Dear Colleagues, Supporters, and Friends,

Ushering in 2023 as the first epidemiologist president of The New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) has been an honor and a privilege. Having the opportunity to advance this historic institution’s health equity mission into its 176th year and beyond comes with a renewed commitment at a time of unprecedented challenges and, yes, even opportunities.

At NYAM, we want all people to be at their healthiest across a long life—starting with a safe birth and extending all the way through aging well. By focusing our research on how to advance health equity, we’re helping to build this better “healthspan” for everyone. In this report, you’ll see how NYAM’s work flows through all the stages of life to support health throughout the life journey. We also look at the external influencers that shape our lives at every age—such as a novel pathogen or a devastating climate change event.

We’re continuing to recover from the challenges of the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic thanks to vaccines and treatment innovations that have reduced mortality rates. We’re now facing down the biggest challenge to health in history as noted by the World Health Organization: the increasing impact of climate change, due to global heating from fossil fuel use, on the health of humans and, indeed, all species.

This is where we find the clarion call to support our healthcare and public health systems, to better prepare us to be more resilient before the next significant climate change event strikes. There is a day-to-day impact now—many hospital system administrators and clinicians recall the harrowing and disastrous days and weeks following Superstorm Sandy. Or think about the Canadian wildfires and the lengthening pollen season leading to an increase in emergency room visits due to breathing emergencies. We have the opportunity now to become better prepared across healthcare and public health systems and in our communities. In 2023 NYAM began this initiative, and you’ll see a growing amount of industry-leading work with this focus from us in the years to come.

We hope you’ll join along in our community of practice as we tackle this challenge of our time—which also holds the opportunity for an immeasurable payoff in the decades ahead.

Thank you for your interest in our work, for your partnership, and, most of all, for your engagement in advancing a world where everyone has the opportunity to be healthy, for life.

Be well,

Ann Kurth, PhD, CNM, MPH

Get to know NYAM's President Dr. Ann Kurth

2024 Preview: A Year for Resilience

Read President Ann Kurth’s message for the new year.

“Under the leadership of Dr. Ann Kurth, NYAM continues to honor its legacy as a leader in health as it takes on one of the most critical issues of our time—the disastrous effects of climate change on health. This is an issue for our health, government, and community-based systems . Working together to address the need for resilience is critical to advance health equity.”

Wayne J. Riley, MD, MPH, MBA, MACP

President, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Chair, NYAM Board of Trustees

Since its founding in 1847, NYAM has been at the forefront of innovation for public health to improve health for all. Today, we do this work through community-centric research that influences health policy and practice and through educational events. Maximizing health for all phases of life builds our healthspan—ensuring people have what they need to live not only longer, but also healthier.

We hope you’ll click through the selected highlights below to learn how we are fulfilling our mission to advance equity across the healthspan

As far back as 1987, former NYAM Board Member John “Jack” Rowe, MD, the Julius B. Richmond Professor of Health Policy and Aging at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health and former Chairman and CEO of Aetna, defined and advocated for healthspan in his Science article as “increase in health span, the maintenance of full function as nearly as possible to the end of life.”

Current NYAM Board Member Ashwin Vasan, MD, Health Commissioner, New York City, advocates in an Opinion piece for The New York Times for policy reform so all people can live longer, healthier lives: “It’s hard to imagine a more unifying proposition than ‘we all deserve to live longer, healthier lives—and ensuring that we do should be our government’s No. 1 priority.’”

Research at NYAM

NYAM’s research is the core of our work; we engage with multiple communities, and we maintain a focus on better health across all the phases of life to maximize healthspan for everyone.

In 2023, research initiatives at NYAM addressed health needs from a safe birth through healthy aging. At each point along this journey of life, NYAM continues to address disparities and to advance health equity. The following sections provide selected highlights demonstrating the breadth and depth of the work, expertise, and capabilities of the research enterprise at NYAM, which are carried out through the work of three centers—the Center for Community Partnerships and Policy Solutions (CPPS), the Center for Evaluation and Applied Research (CEAR), and the Center for Healthy Aging (CHA)— in addition to Senior Scholars and Senior Research Scientists.

Birth Justice


“If you are pregnant, you need to have regular visits with your doctor… but the doctor lives 10 miles from you and it takes you an hour and a half to get there. That’s a threat to your health because you end up missing doctor visits or not going at all.” 

Kumbie Madondo, PhD

Director, NYAM Center for Community Partnerships and Policy Solutions

Formative Years & Families


The Working Years


Healthy Aging


“Tapping older New Yorkers for their knowledge and asking them about their experiences in past emergencies are among the key recommendations from a recent report published by the New York Academy of Medicine on how to improve resiliency for this population post-COVID,”  


Influences Across the Lifespan


Climate & Health

A Defining Issue for Our Time

Under the leadership of President Ann Kurth, in 2023 NYAM turned its sights to addressing the issue of climate change and its impact on health. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, our health systems are still feeling the effects of workforce shortages and financial stresses, but they are also in need of addressing the increasing impact of climate change. We dedicated 2023 to begin building awareness about this growing threat, and to define what it means to build resilience within our healthcare and public health systems. This effort included the evolution of our popular Around the Table event series to address this educational opportunity by bringing together climate and health champions to share perspectives and outline important steps to begin building resiliency into our health systems. The three-part series that launched in 2023, funded in part by NYAM’s Advocates for Health Equity, is available on the NYAM YouTube channel.

EP 1- “Tell the Story”

Provides background on the threat posed to our health by climate change.

EP 2- “Populations and Communities”

Addresses the impact of global heating on structurally marginalized communities.

EP 3- “Health Systems – Managing in Crisis”

Addresses what is needed to build readiness within our health systems as climate-related events continue.

2024 Preview: Designing Health Systems Resilience
In February 2024, NYAM launched a critical new initiative with the potential to transform healthcare resilience. Our Designing Health Systems Resilience: Surviving the Present, Ensuring the Future symposium brought together leaders across healthcare and public health to begin the conversation of transforming our health systems to prepare for the increasing frequency of climate-related events. Symposium attendees heard the rallying cry for the need to ensure that the systems that keep us healthy can continue their critical work in the face of increasing climate change. NYAM extends a special thanks to our sponsors and partners, including the Commonwealth Fund, Mount Sinai, Netflix, Northwell Health, and City & State New York.

Racism & Health

“Disaggregating Race & Ethnicity Data”

NYAM’s 2023 report “Disaggregating Race & Ethnicity Data: Findings from Community Focus Groups” provided an overview of New Yorkers’ perspectives on reporting their race and ethnicity in healthcare settings and elsewhere. The learnings informed the tools and approaches to improving race and ethnicity data collection in New York State. This project was carried out in collaboration with the NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health and with funding from the National Institutes of Health.

Community Voices

NYAM Supports a New $3 Million Grant Initiative from NewYork-Presbyterian

NewYork-Presbyterian recently announced the launch of the Community Fund, a new $3 million grant initiative to fund community organizations addressing social determinants of health in neighborhoods across New York City and Westchester. This program was developed as a result of findings from NewYork-Presbyterian’s 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment, work led by NYAM that engaged more than 1,200 community members in surveys and focus groups. NYAM currently provides evaluation technical assistance to the grantees and will complete an evaluation of the new fund on behalf of NewYork-Presbyterian.

Global Science

NYAM’s Journal of Urban Health

Many cities across the globe face similar challenges in addressing the factors that affect health across the lifespan, and they rely on data to reduce health inequities. Through the Journal of Urban Health (2022 Index Factor 6.6), NYAM provides a platform for building the evidence base to strengthen policies, practices, and programs and to create urban environments that promote health for all.


A significant portion of NYAM’s work seeks to inform and shape population health policy, and we frequently partner with policymakers to provide evidence, advise, support, and amplify health-promoting work. We are pleased to share these highlights from 2023, some of which are continuing in 2024 and beyond.

National Level


Inflation Reduction Act Healthcare Roundtable with DHHS Secretary Becerra and District 13 Congressman Espaillat

Secretary Xavier Becerra of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Representative Adriano Espaillat joined healthcare leaders at NYAM for a roundtable discussion focused on the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on health. This historic and sweeping act aims to rectify long-standing underinvestment in infrastructure and critical services in the green energy transition, as well as to focus on the inequitable and disproportionate social impacts of climate change.

National Academy of Medicine, U.S. Biomedical Research Enterprise Committee

Dr. Kurth joined a committee of the National Academy of Medicine dedicated to health and medical research with fellow experts in medicine, public health, population science, basic science, academic leadership, education, policy, the pharmaceutical industry, government, patient advocacy, and science advocacy. The committee examines the current state of biomedical research enterprise and will recommend bold solutions for the future of U.S. health science research and better health for all to Congress.

National Academy of Medicine, Board on Global Health

As we learned from COVID-19, global health has no boundaries. Dr. Kurth currently co-chairs the Board on Global Health within the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). The board was established to advise the U.S. government on health developments beyond its borders and on heath investment to benefit the health of the U.S., as well as on global well-being, security, and economic development.

New York State


NYS Master Plan for Aging

Building on the work started at NYAM in 2022, with support from The John A. Hartford Foundation to provide expert guidance for development of this groundbreaking plan, New York is one of the first states in the nation with a multisectoral plan for older populations. NYAM is co-chair of the state’s Cognitive Health, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Workgroup and is a member of the Caregiver Supports and Community Design Workgroups.

NYS Future of Healthcare

Like our nation, New York spends a high percentage of its economy on healthcare yet health outcomes and equity measures remain below where they should be. Governor Kathy Hochul has announced a new initiative—the New York State Commission on the Future of Health Care—to which NYAM President Dr. Ann Kurth has been appointed. This commission works in support of the Governor’s State of the State commitment to ensure accessible, equitable, high-quality healthcare for all New Yorkers.

NYS Prevention Agenda

NYAM is a member of the NYS Public Health and Planning Council’s Ad Hoc Committee, which offers an opportunity for public consultation on the 2025-2030 NY State Prevention Agenda as it is being developed. Also knowns as the State Improvement Plan (SHIP), the Prevention Agenda establishes health priorities and relevant indicators, and identifies interventions for implementation by NYS hospitals and local health departments to meet the requirements of their Community Service Plans.

NYS Shield Law

NYAM is proud to support the ongoing efforts of New York State to protect access to reproductive healthcare for all. Marking one year since the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, in 2023 NYAM welcomed Governor Kathy Hochul as she signed this legislation into law (S.1066B/A.1709B). This law expands protections to clinicians and facilitators providing telehealth services to patients outside of New York without fear of litigation in states where abortion services are outlawed or restricted.

New York City


NYC Lifestyle Medicine

NYAM was pleased to provide support for Mayor Adams’s launch of a significant Lifestyle Medicine training initiative for NYC healthcare providers. This initiative rolled out during 2023, and NYAM was pleased to support the City again in 2024 as it expanded to all five boroughs.

The evidence indicates that our health outcomes are overwhelmingly influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. Supplementing healthcare practitioners’ expert clinical care skills with evidence-based learning on how to influence these social determinants of health has the potential for significant benefits to patients. This is of critical importance for communities bearing a disproportionate burden of disease due to the influence of environmental factors, and it is an important step to advancing health equity in New York City.” —NYAM President Ann Kurth

Education at NYAM

For 176 years, NYAM has been a leading and trusted source for information, resources, and action. Through our community-engaged and practice-oriented research, educational programming for health professionals, our world-renowned Library collections, our global urban health journal, and our industry-leading network of Fellows and Members, NYAM uniquely brings professionals together to innovate and act on critical issues of the day. The following are selected educational highlights from our research centers, Library, and Fellows and Members.

A Return to NYAM
NYAM’s East Harlem home was once again buzzing with activity in 2023. With the return of staff now working on a hybrid schedule, and many of our longtime Education & Conference Center clients returning to in-person events, there was never a dull moment at 103rd and Fifth! We also took the opportunity to fully refurbish our conference spaces and to upgrade our audiovisual equipment and capabilities throughout the building. In this post-pandemic era, NYAM is once again a leading gathering place for discourse on science, healthcare, and public health, as well as a beloved venue for both public and private celebratory events. As the Coordinating Center of the Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative since 2020, funded by the Administration for Community Living, NYAM works to deliver on its objectives to elevate cultural competence in the aging network through active engagement with professionals, caregivers, and older adults. This capstone event at NYAM introduced the resources and tools generated by the collaborative, as well as looked forward to achieving health equity goals in the aging network.

Research & Programmatic Events


Elder Justice Movement

In partnership with The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Justice, NYAM Research hosted a virtual convening of professionals from around the country involved in the development and implementation of shelter programs for older adults who have experienced abuse. During this convening, NYAM shared early findings from its evaluation of elder justice shelter programs in the U.S. This work will help shape opportunities to increase access to shelters and advance the elder justice shelter movement.

Equity in Aging Services: Looking 3 Years Back & 30 Years Forward

As the Coordinating Center of the Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative since 2020, funded by the Administration for Community Living, NYAM works to deliver on its objectives to elevate cultural competence in the aging network through active engagement with professionals, caregivers, and older adults. This capstone event at NYAM introduced the resources and tools generated by the collaborative, as well as looked forward to achieving health equity goals in the aging network.

STEAM at NYAM: Learning at the Intersection of the Arts & Sciences

NYAM was pleased to present—in partnership with Brooklyn-based American Opera Project—the U.S. premiere of the company’s Semmelweis to a sold-out audience. This opera is inspired by the story of Hungarian obstetrician Ignác Semmelweis (1818-1865), who uncovered the cure for a devastating epidemic of maternal deaths but could not convince the world of the simple solution: washing one’s hands. Through the power of blending the arts with clinical science, this first-of-its-kind event weaves together the story of Dr. Semmelweis and its implication in today’s world where maternal mortality differentials persist. With additional reflection by NYAM Senior Scholar-in-Residence Elaine Larson, RN, PhD, FAAN, CIC, was truly a memorable and informative evening at NYAM. This event was made possible by our generous supporters, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Saraya Co. LTD., and Best Sanitizers, Inc.

Fellowship at NYAM


NYAM was founded by a small group of physicians in 1847, and to this day, continues its legacy as a leading professional membership network with almost 2,000 cross-disciplinary trailblazers in healthcare, public health, medicine, nursing, social work, history, informatics, and others.

Induction of New Fellows & Members

In 2023 NYAM celebrated the induction of 44 new Fellows and Members at the 176th Anniversary Discourse & Annual Meeting. Special guest World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus addressed the attendees via video with a message on the urgency of addressing the climate and health equity crisis—an area of growing focus for NYAM under President Kurth’s leadership.

In a time-honored tradition, NYAM also welcomed a distinguished discourse speaker—Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, PhD, MD, MAS, Editor in Chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the JAMA Network. Dr. Bibbins-Domingo addressed the growing importance of timely and effective communications, especially as the mistrust in and about science continues to increase. In alignment with NYAM’s focus on health equity, she also spoke to the need for urgent attention to equity and the critical role that medical journals play in this conversation.

Educational Events

Organized by leadership of the Fellows Sections and cross-disciplinary workgroups, NYAM hosted 16 educational events reaching thousands of health professionals with critical learning. Highlights include:

2024 Preview: A New Online Portal for Fellows & Members
In early 2024, NYAM launched a new digital portal exclusively for Fellows and Members. In addition to providing Fellows and Members with a seamless and state-of-the-art way to keep their professional information updated and to pay dues, it also provides numerous exclusive benefits such as a job board, member-only messaging, and ways to connect with other Fellows and Members.

The NYAM Library


The NYAM Library continues to inspire the admiration of researchers, scholars, authors, students, and bibliophiles in New York and around the world. As one of the most significant historical libraries in medicine and public health in the world, the NYAM Library collections uniquely support and encourage a deeper understanding of the influences on medicine and health from ancient times to today.

In addition to supporting in-person researchers and thousands of digital requests, here are Library highlights from 2023:

Library Tours

For many NYAM visitors, a tour of the Library collections in the Drs. Barry and Bobbi Coller Rare Book Reading Room is an unforgettable experience as visitors are invited to not only view, but to also interact with, the collection’s materials and learn about the fascinating history that each item reveals. In addition to offering First Monday tours free of charge, the Library staff also welcome classes at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Visit the NYAM blog to read about a recent visit from the Art Students League.

Digitization: The History of Disabilities

In 2023, in collaboration with Gale, a global provider of research and learning resources, NYAM saw the near completion of a multiyear Library digitization project of collection materials on the history of disabilities. This digital collection, History of Disabilities: Disabilities in Society, Seventeenth to Twentieth Century, demonstrates how society has presented and treated individuals with disabilities over time. Materials chronicle how individuals were classified and “managed,” and how some overcame physical or mental challenges to defy perceptions of being “disabled.” With the project’s completion and launch in early 2024, more than 600,000 pages of NYAM collection materials are now accessible beyond the Library walls.

Social Media & Community Engagement

At the beginning of 2023, the NYAM Library reaffirmed its commitment to engaging and growing audiences by welcoming a new public engagement librarian. In 2023, the Library continued to build its blog, Books, Health, and History, and to host public events to share the riches of the collection beyond a traditional academic audience.

Library Books on Exhibit

The Bard Graduate Center Gallery exhibit Staging the Table in Europe 1500–1800 featured seven of the Library’s books on cookery dating from 1581 to 1766. The exhibit ran from February 17 through July 9.

Educational Programming

Library programming continues to make linkages between the history of medicine and the current day, building an understanding of the historical forces that hold relevance for the future of medicine and public health.

Recognizing, Sharing, & Learning on World AIDS Day

In recognition of World AIDS Day and in acknowledgment of the tremendous loss of life and momentous impact of the HIV pandemic on public health, NYAM was honored to display and share a section of the AIDS Memorial Quilt throughout the month of December, along with displays offering a glimpse of some of the treasures within our Library collections, including vintage posters, postcards, and other AIDS-related ephemera at our annual Celebration of the Library. Visit the Champions of Health Equity section to learn about the dedicated supporters who made this event possible.

Film Screening: De Humani Corporis Fabrica

In conjunction with the Fellows Section on the History of Medicine and Public Health, NYAM held a screening of the experimental documentary De Humani Corporis Fabrica, a modern-day investigation of life and work in five French hospitals. Attendees were also treated to a case of anatomical treasures relating to Vesalius’s original 16th-century anatomical text, including items tied to NYAM’s own history.

Collaborative Events

The following programs were offered in collaboration with Weill Cornell Medicine’s Heberden Society:

Infant Mortality, Race, and the American Roots of a Health Inequality

Seed and Soil: (Anti) Black Eugenic Thought in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Beginning in 1847, with the election of the first Fellows, who were esteemed medical professionals of the day, NYAM has a history of recognizing significant achievement in the fields of medicine and health through its honorific membership, named lectures, fellowships and grants, and annual awards.

Annual Awards Recognizing Leadership & Contributions to Medicine & Health

In 2023 NYAM honored scientists and healthcare leaders—including a Nobel Peace Prize laureate—whose breakthroughs, innovations, and advancements will change the face of healthcare for years to come, leading to new opportunities to build a healthier world. Honorees included Claire M. Fraser, PhD, Charles Rotimi, PhD, Denis Mukwege, MD, Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, Mary-Claire King, PhD, Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc, and Edward H. Shortliffe, MD, PhD.

NYAM awards two 2023-25 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowships in the Clinical Transaction in Nashville, Tennessee, at the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education 2023 Conference. (L/R): Dr. Robert Juhasz (ACGME Board Member and Chair of the Awards Committee of the Board); DeLonda Dowling (ACGME Awards Liaison); Dr. Ann Kurth (NYAM President); awardee Dr. Jacqueline Birnbaum; awardee Dr. Daniel Sartori; Dr. Thomas J. Nasca (ACGME President and CEO).

Grants & Fellowships

Each year, NYAM awards more than $400,000 in grants and fellowships to medical students, seasoned physicians, investigators, and researchers of the history of medicine to support the advancement and understanding of health. We honor the generosity of the donors who established funds to support learning in a wide range of fields and we recognize the accomplishments, innovations, and promise that the honorees exemplify.

NYAM awards two 2023-25 Jeremiah A. Barondess Fellowships in the Clinical Transaction in Nashville, Tennessee, at the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education 2023 Conference. (L/R): Dr. Robert Juhasz (ACGME Board Member and Chair of the Awards Committee of the Board); DeLonda Dowling (ACGME Awards Liaison); Dr. Ann Kurth (NYAM President); awardee Dr. Jacqueline Birnbaum; awardee Dr. Daniel Sartori; Dr. Thomas J. Nasca (ACGME President and CEO).

Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation

NYAM is proud to continue its partnership with the Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation to recognize an outstanding contemporary pioneer in the medical sciences. In 2023 the Alma Dea Morani, Renaissance Woman Award was presented to Nanette K. Wenger, MD, MACC, MACP, FAHA, a pioneer and champion of women’s heart health.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many corporations, foundations, and individual sponsors and donors for their generous support. Our partners’ belief in NYAM’s mission helps make the crucial work at NYAM possible.

2023 Gala: Together for Health Equity

This annual event, dedicated to raising support for NYAM’s mission of advancing health equity, was a spectacular evening recognizing the remarkable impact of our honorees, who included Michael Sneed, Executive Vice President, Global Corporate Affairs & Chief Communication Officer of Johnson & Johnson (retired); Terry T. Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of The John A. Hartford Foundation; and Peggy Shepard, Co-founder and Executive Director of WE ACT for Environmental Justice.

Celebration of the Library

In recognition of World AIDS Day, we gathered with friends, supporters, and colleagues to recognize the lives lost and forever changed by the HIV pandemic as illustrated by NYAM Library collections and a beautiful panel of the AIDS quilt. While solemn and reflective, this experience brought together some of the most ardent supporters of the Library, and we collectively celebrated the collections that will offer all generations a glimpse into this profound time in our country’s history. We are thankful to Drs. Barry and Bobbi Coller for their generous support of this moving event.

Advocates for Health Equity

NYAM’s Advocates for Health Equity consists of corporate, foundation, and individual partners who share a commitment to NYAM’s mission of achieving health equity and generously sponsor our educational events. In 2023 we extend our thanks to Bristol Myers Squibb, Northwell Health, Mount Sinai, and the Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation.

NYAM Connect

NYAM Connect is a diverse network of rising star professionals who share NYAM’s vision. In 2023—only its second year—the group successfully established and raised support for the NYAM Connect Momentum Fund, established to support unique innovations at NYAM. The inaugural seed funds were awarded to a study that will evaluate the age-friendliness of East Harlem and establish a new Founders Award of three nursing scholarships from the Fellows Section on Nursing.


NYAM is deeply grateful to all our supporters and partners!

President’s Society

City Visionaries ($100,000+)
James & Kerianne Flynn

Urban Champions ($50,000-$99,999)
Michael Sneed

Empire Laureates ($25,000-$49,999)
Anonymous (1)
Barry & Bobbi Coller
David & Geri Wolf

Gotham Innovators ($10,000-$24,999)
Charina Foundation, Inc.
Barbara Green
Grodman Family Foundation
Ann Kurth
Wayne Riley
Janis Smith-Gomez

Metropolitan Partners ($5,000-$9,999)
Anonymous (1)
Joshua & Stacey Cohen
Elsa-Grace Giardina & Alan Saroff
Mark Kaplan
Michael Silber
George & Barbara Thibault
Lily Zhou & Leon Sebert

Progress Allies ($1,000-$4,999)
Gina Akopyan
Lawrence Altman
Susan Beane
Jo Ivey Boufford
Andrea Choi
Carol Einiger
The Ferland Brissette Family Fund
Steven & Susan Felsher
Martine Ferland
Lori Frank
Freda Gimpel
John Harris Jr.
Avital Havusha
C.M. Pyle & Richard Kayne
Danielle Laraque Arena
Elaine & Steven Larson
Rebecca Laurien
Sheila Lennon
Jenny Libien
Linda Lombardi
Ann Marie Mauro
Carolyn Messner
Thomas Morris
Lisa Nenadich
Miguel Perez & Yianni Vitellas
Gina Ravosa
The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation
Ellen Rubin
Judith Salerno
David Sandman
Vimla Patel & Edward Shortliffe
Andrea Sonenberg
Eileen Sullivan-Marx
David Vlahov & Robyn Gershon
Arthur & Sally Webb
Amanda Williams
David Wlody*

Contributor’s List

The Boston Foundation

Administration For Community Living
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of               Yeshiva University
Greater New York Hospital Association
Icahn School Of Medicine at Mount                   Sinai
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Trust for America’s Health

Columbia University
Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc.
Health Foundation of Western & Central           New York
Johnson & Johnson
Lifespan of Greater Rochester
Mount Sinai Hospital
Thomas Jefferson University

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
Charina Endowment Fund, Inc
FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic                    Funds
The John A. Hartford Foundation
Montefiore Medical Center
Mount Sinai Heart
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital Nursing                               Department
National Hispanic Health Foundation/          National Hispanic Medical Association
New York City Department of Health                   and Mental Hygiene
New York University School of Medicine
NORC at the University of Chicago
Northwell Health
Public Health Solutions
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences                      University
United Hospital Fund of New York
Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation

APCO Worldwide
Bassett Healthcare Network
Bristol Myers Squibb
Brooklyn Borough President
Columbia University School of Nursing
Columbia University Mailman School of              Public Health
Northeastern University, Bouvé College              of Health Sciences
NYU College of Dentistry
Princeton Area Community Foundation
RiverSpring Health featuring the                          Hebrew Home at Riverdale
Saraya Co. Ltd.
Sun River Health
WPP Health & Wellness

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg                       Foundation
The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation
The Laura B. Vogler Foundation
Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
National Student Nurses’ Association
The New York City Council
Sterling Affair
University of Mount Saint Vincent
Upper East Side Cardiology
Yale School of Nursing

April Book
Brothers of Color in Pharma
Nereida Correa
David and May Skinner Foundation

Contributor’s List Cont.

John Dugan
Ilene Fennoy
Eugene & Susan Flamm
Lesmah Fraser
Lewis & Susan Goldfrank
Peter Harkins
Weslie Janeway
Marilyn Kasner-Morgan
Lisa Sherman
Anthony Shih
Andrew & Ecaterina Spielman
Paul Theerman
Richard & Tanya Younge

Up to $499
Anonymous (1)
Jeffrey Aaron
Gretchen Adkins
Josephine Agyei
Judith Ahronheim & Gerald Blandford
Kraut Alan
Dania Alarcon
Kinta Alexander
David Allison
Kristine Alpi
AmazonSmile Foundation
Cynthia Ambres & Jonathan Butler
Joyce Anastasi
Taylor Anderson
Brian Appelman
Joseph Argabrite & Joshua Hemphill
Bob Arnold
Gloria Bachmann
Shelby Badani
Suzanne Bakken
Maria Baquero
Rita Baron-Faust
Maria Barros
Andrew Bata
Joan Bates
Nicole Bayne
Christopher Bell
Herold Bence
Stephanie Benjamin
Katie Benn
Michael Bergelson
Ana Berlin
Paulette Bernd
Michala Biondi
Sheila Blanc
Irma Bohorquez-Geisler
Marissa Bokhari Keck
Brian Book
Justine Borer
Sydney Boyd
Leah Brody
Matthew Brookman
Danelle Brown
Gary Brown
Sean Brown
Dewi Brown-DeVeaux
Adam Brozynski
Allison Bryant
Kellie Bryant
Theresa Bucco
Felipe Cabello
Vitoria Cabrera
Helene Cagan
Thea Callender
Eleanor Campbell
Bernadette Capili
Nehemias Carneiro
Tessa Carter
Christopher Chaffee
Robin Chamberlain
Chris Chantler
Marie Charles
Rita Charon
Mason Chiang
Mary Ann Chiasson & Gerd Grieninger
Kendall Christiansen
Jill Clark
Janine Clayton
Garfield Clunie
Peter Colford
Nina Colosi
June Como
Allison Cook
Arthur Cooper
Ted Coopersmith & Helen Clement
Nikki Copas
Charles Copeland
Margaret Crane
Michele Crespo-Fierro
Kristen Cribbs
Raymond Crystal
Darlene Curley
Patrick D’Addario
Alison Daley
John Damonti
Mary Elizabeth Dannhauser
Danielle David
Robert & Ruby Davis
Donna de Levante Raphael
Esther de Rothschild
Margaret DeLacy
Jean Bernard Denis
Priya Dhagat
Carol Diamond
Julie Diamond
Franco Dickson
Andrea Diep
Wendy Diller
Maura Dilone
Adele DiPuma
Jeff Dobro
Meghan Donaldson
Patricia Donohue-Porter
Danica Dorlette
Richard Dorritie
Erika Dowell
Keith Downing
Donna Drucker
Emilly Dsida
Alyse Dunn
Roger & Edna Duvivier
Flor de Maria Eilets
Marcy Einhorn
Cassie Ekstrom
Suellyn Ellerbe
Victoria Emerick
Epidemiology Biostat
Donna Epstein
Antonella Eramo
James Erekson
Mark Erlich
Brendan Faley
Leo Falk
Caryn Fallon
Ivorie Farley-Cook
Patricia Ferguson
Ashley Ferrando
Robin Ferrer
Kristen Fessele
Leon Fine
Joseph Fins
Dora Fisher
Peter Flint
Laarni Florencio
Maureen Flynn
Jack & Margaret Fong
Carla Foster
Joanne Franklin
Irene Frantzis
Sheri Friedberg
Elizabeth Frost
Sam Fulmer
Alexandra Fung
Laurent G

Contributor’s List Cont.

Farida Gadalla & Anthony Potulicki
Kathleen Gaffney
Wilfredo Gajda
Pamela Galehouse
Karen Gallinari
Kathleen Gallo
Brittany Gannon
Laura Garcia
Edith Gardener
Thomas Geib
Shari Gelber
Kate & Stephen Geller
Caroline Gelman
Rachel Gentile
Maureen George
Catherine Alicia Georges
Austin Gerber
Anna Getselman
David Gitelson
Jenna Gladfelter
Tina Glick
Sherry Glied
Marthe Gold
David Goldfarb
Leslie Goldin
Susan Goldman
Irving & Joyce Gomolin
David Gordon
Eric & Carolyn Gould
Sylvia Grant
Dona Green
Lyris Greenidge-Adams
Barbara Grenell
Ashley Gubernick
Shivani Gupta
Daniel Hagen
Susan Hall
Nancy Hamada
Cathy Han
Bert Hansen
Mark Hardy
Malini Harigopal
Paulett Harriott
Kara Harris
Stanley & Angela Harris
Clifford Hart
Selwin Hart
Leslie Hayes
Allison Heaps
Adrienne Hemsley
Zachariah Hennessey
David Hill
Viet Hoang
Hoffman Brothers Foundation
Alene Hokenstad
Ingrid & Hugo Hollinger
Khalina Houston
Christie Huddleston
William Hudson
Dylan Hyun
Jessica Idumonyi
Damien Ihrig
John Imhof
Gerald Iwan
Stanislovas Jankauskas
Heidi Jerome
Stephen & Sandra Joffe
Balinda John-La Borde
Iman Johnson
Shurron Johnson
Beverley Johnstone
Richard Kahn
Ashley Kakkanatt
Samuel Kaplan
Holly Kassner
Emily Kauffmann
Gene Kaufman
Kimberly Kelly
Paul Kentor
Tanisha Kettle
Daniel Kevles
Elana Kieffer
Alyssa Kies
Perri Klass
Paul Kligfield
Sergios Kolokotronis
Randall Krakauer
Susan Kruglinski
Aparna Kulkarni
Annette Kussmaul
Anne Lacey
Patricia Lancaster-Brown & Roni Gilbert
Judie & John LaRosa
James Lavin
Anne Lee
David Lee
Oliver Lee
Robert E. Lee III
Helen Lemay*
Barron Lerner
Gloria Lerner
Courtney Levering
Alice Levine
Karen Levine
David Levy
Linda Lewis
May Lindstrom
Alan Lippman
Carol List
Paula Litzky
Joanne Loewy
Mark Looney
Benjamin Lovett
Ryan Lowry
Sara Lowry
Erwin Maas
Seema Madhavan
Sumaita Mahmood
Andrew Major
Nissa Maki
Dolores Malaspina
Arthur Mandel
Dale Mandelman
Catherine Manley-Cullen
Adriana Mares
Lewis & Brenda Marshall
Philip Marshall
Liza Martinez
Tonya Martz
Laura Massey
Kate Masuch
Gabriela Matson
Carly Mayer
Colette Mazzucelli
Meghan McCarthy
Mary Frances McGibbon
Ramah McKay
Greg McMurray
Mikki Meadows-Oliver
Tanya Medley
Lawrence Melniker
Josef Mendoza
Samuel Merrick
Natalie Milas
Madelyn Miller
Gina Miranda Diaz
Ilana Mittleman
Kathy Monangai
Carol Moore
Cindy Moore
Dennis Morgan
Stacey Moriates
Elizabeth Morlock
Stephen & Marilyn Morse
Grace Morton
Ilene Moskowitz
Marie Moss
Onaje Muid
Sarah Murray
Jack Nass

Contributor’s List Cont.

Lori Newcomb
Julia Noble
Patrick Nolan
Stephen Novak
Leonie Nowitz
Oghenetega Okoro
Regina Olasin
Lynda Olender
Danielle Ompad
Loraine O’Neill
John Oravec
Fredrick Orkin
Charlotte Ozuna
Bella Pace
Sharon & George Packer
Dula Pacquiao
Ann Palermo
Farah Parvez
Akshay Patel
Krina Patel
Pinkesh Patel
Stephen Paul
Sophia Pavlatos
Andres Pazmino
Laura Penalo
Barry Perlman
Laurie Petersen
Mary Phelan
Colin Phoon
Janet Phoon
Caroline Piselli
Michael Pollock
Stephen Post
Prima Prasertrat
Barbara Press
Brady Press
Lindsey Press
Margaret Rafferty & Timothy O’Connor
Ann Rakoff
Anaïs Rameau
Griffin Rauscher
Tanya Ray Morrison
Lawrence Raymond
Karen Reeds
Brendan Reilly
Norman Reiss
Mindong Ren
Jonathan Reshef
Ira Rezak & Brigitte Bedos-Rezak
Lauren Riley
Reynaldo Rivera
Lisa Rocque
Peter Rodney
Tiffany Romero
Aviva Rosenberg
Loretta Rotunno
Mario Rubano
Matthew Rubashkin
Robert Ruben & Yvonne Korshak
Richard Ruddy
Yaritza Saavedra
Miriam Sabin
Rosie Sacco
Lisa Saiman
Susan Sakalian
Priscilla Samuel
Jose Sanchez & Arlene González-Sánchez
Guy Scalzi
Natasha Scantlebury
Andrew Schafer
Joy Scharfman
Sarah Schenck
Joyce Schenkein
Mark Schleisner
Kari Schulsinger
Marjory Schwartz
Jacquelyn Schwimmer
Richard Schwimmer
Robert Scott
Alex Segell
Linda Seidel
Roger Shamel
Holly Shaw
Chad Shearer
Carol Sheridan
Rob Sherry
Stephani Shivers
Philip Shneidman
Elliott Siddiqui
Tonika Simmons
David Siscovick
Arlene Smaldone
Barry & Carley Smith
Fred & Angelica Smith
Heather Smith
Matt Smith
Pamela Smith
Rita Starishevsky
Cristian Stefan
Leonard Stern
Sydney Stewart
Richard Strean
Martha Sullivan
William Summers
Shuyang Sun
Elihu Sussman
Cora Taningco
Samiksha Tarun
Rosemary Taylor
Joyce Thompson
Terry Thompson
Cia Toscanini
Vincent Trimarco
Richie Uba
Ian Vasicka
Angela Vassallo
Kimberly Velez
Grace Veras Sealy
Mary Jo Vetter
Jody Villecco
Charles Vorosmarty
Keith Wailoo
Christopher Walker
Ramona Wall
Terri Wallace
YuFan Stephanie Wang
Gregory-Michael Washington
Harriet Washton
Miryam Wasserman
Alex Watson
Allan Weidenbaum
Jonathan Weiss
Raul Weiss
Carolyn Westhoff
Nancy Wexler
Brendan Whaley
Brendan White
Kenyanta White*
Kriota Willberg
Kenya Williams
Logan Williams
Marc Williams
David Wollner
Fay Wright
Leesa Wytock
Jordan Yakoby
Stephen Yermal
Marilyn Puder-York &
Christopher York
Dan Yurkofsky
Korede Yusuf
Anastasiya Zakreuskaya
Lauren Zamkow
John Zanardelli
Fred Zheng
Emily Zhou

*Recurring Donors

We have made every effort to create an accurate report of donors for the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. If we have inadvertently omitted your name or listed it incorrectly, please bring this to our attention at

Board of Trustees

NYAM welcomed five new members to the Board of Trustees in 2023, expanding our knowledge base and expertise in health and healthcare. New members include Gil Addo, Natalia Cineas, Beth Oliver, Marie-Laure Romney, Jannine Versi, and Mark S. Weiss.

We are also grateful to the many individuals who have served on the Board of Trustees, including Julia Iyasere, Philip O. Ozuah, and Jennifer H. Mieres, who completed their terms in 2023.

Wayne J. Riley, MD, MPH, MBA, MACP   
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

Mark L. Wagar (in memoriam)
Chief Executive Officer
HealthShare Value Advisers, LLC

Gil Addo

Charles N. Bertolami, DDS, DMedSc
Herman Robert Fox Dean
New York University College of Dentistry

Natalia Cineas, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
Senior Vice President
Chief Nursing Executive
New York City Health + Hospitals

John Damonti, MSW   
Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
Vice President, Corporate Philanthropy & Patient Assistance
Bristol Meyers Squibb Company

Martine Ferland
Chief Executive Officer
Vice Chair
Marsh McLennan

James Flynn, MS
Board Chair Emeritus
Managing Partner
Deerfield Management Company, LP

Elsa-Grace V. Giardina, MD, MS, FACC, FAHA, FACP
Professor of Medicine
Columbia University Medical Center and
Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Barbara A. Green, PhD
Senior Vice President
New Business Initiatives
GNYHA Ventures, Inc

Julia Iyasere, MD, MBA     
Executive Director
The Dalio Center for Health Justice

Mark N. Kaplan, Esq.
Of Counsel
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Ann Kurth, PhD, CNM, MPH
The New York Academy of Medicine

Jennifer H. Mieres, MD, FACC, MASNC, FAHA
Senior Vice President
Center for Equity of Care and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Northwell Health
Associate Dean and Professor 
Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Beth Oliver, DNP, RN, FAAN
Chief Nurse Executive and Senior Vice President of Cardiac Services
Mount Sinai Health System

Philip O. Ozuah, MD, PhD   
President and Chief Executive Officer
Montefiore Medicine

Elena Rios, MD, MSPH, FACP
President and CEO
National Hispanic Medical Association

Marie-Laure Romney, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital

Charles N. Bertolami, DDS, DMedSc
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan

Janis Smith-Gomez, MBA
Retired Vice President, Global Brand Experience
Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices

Paul P. Tanico, JD
Managing Principal
CastleRock Management

Ashwin Vasan, MD, PhD
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Jannine Versi, MBA
Co-Founder and COO
Elektra Health

Mark S. Weiss
Executive Vice Chairman
Cushman & Wakefield

On behalf of the board and staff, NYAM also conveys condolences and deep gratitude to the family of NYAM Vice-Chair Mark L. Wagar, whom we lost in early 2024. Mark served on NYAM’s Board of Trustees for 15 years, and he personified the best in governance through his leadership and support of the organization.

Charity Navigator - NYAM The New York Academy of Medicine
is a Charity Navigator Four-Star Charity.


Financials 1


Financials 2


Financials 2

For the complete 2023 audited financial statement, please click here.

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